We’ll provide the virtual space, a bit of a schedule, and a break-out room if you need to get an idea untangled. You bring work projects and creative flow.
We know that it can be hard to find time to dedicate to things we are creating- whether that is writing the dissertation, a grant, book, or manuscript for publication, painting, drawing or sketching, composing music, practicing —whatever. You get the idea. But we also know that every creator needs to create at some point.
A virtual space designed to energize, refresh, and unlock your best ideas
Experience a retreat that fuels inspiration and empowers your creative journey
Immerse yourself in a transformative virtual retreat that nurtures focus and creativity
Having this dedicated time for writing and the accountability of others online has been a highlight. I was able to increase clarification for my theoretical framework and realized along the way that I am mixing theories and concepts. This was a huge aha moment. Let’s do this often!
We will begin our time together by checking in with each other, but this is a virtual retreat space for a heads-down dedicated creating time. We will have a dedicated break-out room that you can pop into at any time if you need to debrief outside of the debriefing time.
Once you register, you can come and go as you please.
You have the agency to care for yourself as you see fit. Please do that while being mindful of others and the state of flow they have created.
Yes. We’ll keep the writing room quiet during the creative sprints. The debriefs and coffee breaks are open times for chatting if the group sees fit.
You are welcome to join a breakout room anytime during the retreat for a general drop-in question. However, given that people are creating many different things, this time is limited and is not conducive to reading or providing feedback on individual work. The breakout room is a small-group or semi-private environment. If you prefer a 1-1 appointment, you can schedule that here.
You’re welcome to use this virtual retreat to work on any project that would benefit from some dedicated time. We especially encourage you to bring any projects that are hard to find time for in your regular day-to-day work.
Everyone is welcome. This creative space is open to all.
You are welcome as you are and where you are. While we expect you to be appropriately clothed, pajamas, sweats, and messy buns are ok here. You are welcome to keep your camera and mic off as you see fit, but if you prefer to switch your camera on to participate that will be great too.
They are typically scheduled for the first Saturday in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Make sure you are on our mailing list to get all of the details.
Virtual Creative Flow Retreat is free. It’s our way of building a community that supports growth and productivity.