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Academic Wellness Coaching

We offer you constant support through our unique writing journals and coaching experience to create, dream, express yourself, and showcase your unique gifts and passions unrestrained.

female thinking

Are you feeling stuck? Need a little push? Need to find clarity, writing passions and goals?

We offer constant support to writers, graduate students, educators, researchers, and scholars through our unique writing journals.

Female making notes

Wellness Boxes

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What's Behind the Name Sienna and Slate?

The name Sienna and Slate pays homage to our ancestral ways of knowledge sharing.
Sienna, taken from the color of clay from the earth that was used as a medium and writing tool; and slate, referencing a blank slate, a tablet, or stone.


Focus on the Writing

I’ve been using the journal to focus and advance my research as a new professional. I wish I had this resource as a graduate student. I love the prompts because I hate staring at a blank page thinking of what to write. I’ve even started a small journaling group with other writers to hold ourselves accountable.

A Place to Center Research

 I strongly encourage students to use a research journal (I got the Introspection Journal). Utilizing a journal will allow you to have a place for periodic brain dumps as you center your research. Be sure to do a deep dive in your reading and be prepared to write, change course, and write again.

Research Journal

Utilize a research journal to articulate your ideals, goals, methods, and theories for your paper before you even begin writing. We appreciate Dr. McClish and her passion to help students like us work through the emotional and technical phases of research. Get the journal, it was worth it! Believe me.

I was so Overwhelmed

 Over the summer, I took a qualitative research course and was so overwhelmed! Our class was introduced to journaling and that helped a lot. I recommend that every grad student keep a research journal –and of course, I love the Introspection Journal because it helps us write out frustrations and I especially love the pages for the Brain Dump. 

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