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What is Bias?

Bias: What is Bias?

What is Bias? Bias refers to the inclination or prejudice towards a particular perspective, idea, group, or outcome, which can influence judgment, decision-making, and interpretation of information. In academia, it can manifest in various forms, impacting research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of findings. It can stem from personal beliefs, societal norms, cultural…

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Breathwork: What is Breathwork?

Understanding Breathwork in Academic Well-being and Stress Management Breathwork refers to a set of techniques that involve conscious control and regulation of breathing patterns to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is a practice deeply rooted in ancient traditions such as yoga and meditation but has gained recognition in modern times for its therapeutic…

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Affirmation: What is Affirmation?

What is Affirmation? Affirmation refers to the act of acknowledging and validating one's worth, abilities, and accomplishments. It involves recognizing positive aspects of oneself or others and reinforcing them through words, actions, or thoughts. In the context of academia and student well-being, it plays a crucial role in fostering a positive mindset, self-confidence, and…

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Authentic Awareness

Authentic Awareness: What is Authentic Awareness?

What is Authentic Awareness? Authentic awareness is a deep understanding of oneself, including thoughts, feelings, motivations, and behaviors, without pretense or self-deception. It involves being honest with oneself and acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses. This awareness extends to how one interacts with others and the world around them. It's about being genuine, transparent, and aligned…

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Axiology: What is Axiology?

What is Axiology? Axiology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the study of values and value judgments. It explores questions like "What is valuable?" and "What makes something valuable?" In simple terms, axiology helps us understand what we consider important, worthwhile, or desirable in life. There are two main subfields within axiology:…

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Academic Reflective Journal

Academic Reflective Journal- What is an Academic Reflective Journal?

What is an Academic Reflective Journal? An Academic Reflective Journal is a personal record where scholars, particularly those engaged in research, document their reflections, insights, and critical analysis regarding their academic experiences, research endeavors, and personal growth within the educational sphere. It serves as a tool for self-assessment, self-awareness, and professional development. Key Aspects…

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What is Anxiety

Anxiety – What is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety? Anxiety refers to the feelings of worry, nervousness, or apprehension that students, educators, or anyone involved in academic pursuits may experience. It's that uneasy feeling you get when you're facing academic challenges like exams, presentations, deadlines, or even just the pressure to perform well. This can show up physically, emotionally, and mentally,…

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